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Road MAPS to Africa is a project of the Rotary Club of Coolamon. We invite you to take a look around our MAPS web site and learn about the current situation in Sub-Saharan Africa-then join us on the road to Africa by choosing one of the Road MAPS. This site is also the home of RFFA Australia (Rotarians for Fighting AIDS). Any contribution you care to make now or at any time will be more than appreciated and very well invested.

Monday, March 19

Nonceba Family Counselling Centre



Rotary Road MAPS to Africa: get your road map to Cape Town, South Africa and help to support the Nonceba Family Counselling Centre through the Rotary Club of Hout Bay and their Ashley Kaimowitz Fund.

Ashley Kaimowitz Memorial

More information on this remarkable lady whose life was cut so tragically short can be found here:

District 9350 South Africa

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Why we should support this amazing project:

"I wish we were not needed but we are!"

The telephone rang and a desperate voice on the line said “Please can someone help this child. Of course we will, bring him to us". An hour later, Vuzani's teacher arrived with a small boy who could hardly walk. He was in grade four but he was 16 years old. He had been living with his grandfather, who had been sodomising him for five years. His grandfather said that if he told anyone, he would throw him out and he would starve.

So Vuzani had suffered in silence. By the time he came to Nonceba, he was damaged beyond repair, he would never be right and he would never be able to look after himself. Why had no-one noticed before?

Vuzani was one of the centre's first clients. Had Nonceba been there five years earlier, perhaps they could have saved him. It brought home, just how desperately the centre was needed and how important it was for the community to work together to protect their children.

Nomsa's story is a little different. Nomsa goes to a school that receives regular talks from Nonceba's social worker as part of their Abuse Prevention Programme. When she started to behave strangely, her teacher noticed and sent her to Nonceba. They found out that she, two sisters and a brother were living alone in a shack in complete squalor, having been left orphaned when their mother and father died of AIDS.

A neighbour had been abusing Nomsa and buying her silence with a few rands. Because the children were destitute, Nomsa had said nothing. The few rands put food in their mouths. Nonceba immediately put a stop to the abuse, got medical help for Nomsa, cleaned up the shack and provided them with some basic essentials for sleeping and cooking. The children still live on their own but the Nonceba staff look in on them all the time, make sure they go to school, have uniforms to wear and food to eat.

Nonceba staff have become their parents. This has been possible because of the financial support of the public and the community's awareness of the problems and their willingness to help.

There are thousands of children like these in Khayelitsha. Please help Nonceba through the Ashley Kaimowitz Memorial Foundation to help Rotary Hout Bay.


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